How do I search for articles?


There are many ways to conduct your searching, and eventually you will find your rhythm.

You can:

  1. Look at the LibGuides which have resources specific to your field

  2. Search within a specific database (The database list can be found HERE)

  3. Search many databases at once using a database platform (example below)


How to conduct a basic search. 

On the Homepage of the library, there is a box titled Popular Databases.

Click into the first link: ProQuest Database Platform.

Once you are in ProQuest, type in your search terms.

If using more than one term, make sure to group them using "quotation marks". 

If you are using only one search term, quotation marks are not necessary.

For example if you are searching using the term "business management", you would use quotation marks. If you are only using the word, business, quotation marks are not necessary.


For help searching for either physical or electronic books, click into THIS FAQ.

Check out our Video Tutorials for more searching guidance.

  • Last Updated Feb 28, 2023
  • Views 522
  • Answered By Rebecca Guillen Rodriguez

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