Why am I getting an error message when I go to a database?


There are a few possibilities of what could be going wrong.

1 - Make sure you are using your current KEISER Blackboard/Office 365 Username & Password when prompted. Double check for typos!


2 - Try using a different browser than what you are currently using. For example, if you are using Chrome, try using Firefox or Edge and see if it gives you the same error.


3 - Try closing all of your windows and start over from scratch with only one window open. Go directly to the address bar and type www.keiserlibrary.com. Then click into one of the databases in the Popular Databases box located on the library homepage. Enter UN & PW when prompted. If you are granted access, you have access to all the databases. Otherwise, keep trying with Step #4.


4 - Clear your cache and cookies, then try restarting your computer.


**Remember, if you are in a database, they will time-out for inactivity. Different databases time-out at different times, normally after around 30 minutes of inactivity.

If you do not remember your Password, THIS guide may help by providing a short video of how to reset your PW, the Helpdesk phone number to call, and/or a website to the Helpdesk service

***If all else fails, contact a librarian for help***.



  • Last Updated Sep 16, 2023
  • Views 137
  • Answered By Rebecca Guillen Rodriguez

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