How can I find articles WRITTEN by a nurse?


There are several ways to locate articles that are written by a nurse in the databases.


  1. There are two limiters in CINAHL Ultimate that allow the user to find articles written by a nurse.                   - Check either FIRST AUTHOR IS A NURSE or ANY AUTHOR IS A NURSE, according to the credentials              noted in the article.                                                                                                                                               - These limiters are found under SEARCH OPTIONS                                                                                             - The written by a nurse limiter only applies to articles written from 2009 and forward.



  1. In CINAHL, select the AF AUTHOR AFFILIATION in the drop down box to the right of the search box to  locate articles  written prior to 2009. 

    Many nurse scholars teach at or are associated with departments of nursing in institutions of higher learning, and the word "nursing" is frequently included in the department heading. In most cases, the affiliated author will be a nurse.

    **The assumption is not foolproof. Verify the author's nursing credentials by checking the author information in the article.



  1. In some databases including CINAHL, you might be able to add credential initials like DNP, BSN, RN, or CRNA to the author field in a search. This will not work for every database and is not 100% accurate. You should always double-check your author's credentials within the article.



  1. Search using the Publication Name to only search within journals with NURSING in the journal title. Type NURSING in the search bar, and select either SO for SOURCE NAME or PUBLICATION TITLE depending on the database you are in. You can use this method along with methods 2-3 above to narrow your search.



  • Last Updated Sep 23, 2023
  • Views 48
  • Answered By Rebecca Guillen Rodriguez

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